
Applying Load Correction Factors to Continuous Beams in RFEM/RSTAB

When entering surface loads, it is possible to enter a correction factor to consider the effects of continuity. For the external members or supports of a continuous beam, the factor 0.8 is entered in the model that I have from my colleague. Should the factor for the external section not have to be 0.4?


In the following example, the loads are distributed linearly, depending on the spacing of the members, without considering the respective continuous beam effect. To consider this, the correction factors are used. To assign the load correction factors to the members, select the members on which the load is to be corrected.

For the edge members, the load correction factor is 0.8 since the program automatically divides the loading of the members on the edge in half (for the same span length).

The force values according to the tables for a continuous beam with five sections:

A = 0.395
B = 1.132

0.395/0.5 = 0.8 → When calculating with the factor 0.4, the load would be incorrect.

The members in Section 1 will be corrected to 1.1.

After clicking the [OK] button, the load is adjusted automatically.


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  1. Dlubal Software. (2016). Manual RSTAB. Tiefenbach: Dlubal Software.
  2. Dlubal Software. (2018). Manual RFEM. Tiefenbach.
  3. Albert, A. (2018). Schneider – Bautabellen für Ingenieure mit Berechnungshinweisen und Beispielen (23rd ed.). Cologne: Bundesanzeiger.
