
Result Lines for Internal Forces Analysis

In the model, there are two governing internal forces, Vz and My. In the printout report selection, I have only activated these two internal forces using the "Extreme Values" option. Why are the result lines under "Members – Internal Forces" displayed twice in the printout report?


The reason for four result lines (see Image 01) in this case is that for each selected internal force, a minimum as well as a maximum is output, including the associated remaining internal forces.

First line: Numerical maximum of Vz (3.54 kN) with the corresponding internal forces
Second line: Numerical minimum of Vz (0 kN) with the corresponding internal forces
Third line: Numerical maximum of My (0 kNm) with the corresponding internal forces
Fourth line: Numerical minimum of My (-12.37 kNm) with the corresponding internal forces


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