
Insufficient Free Space for Installation on Windows Vista

When installing a full or a test version on Windows Vista, a message indicating insufficient free space appears? What should I do?


The capacity of your C: drive does not allow the installation of the program. You should choose another partition of your hard drive for the installation. You can proceed as follows:

  • Start by displaying the "Run" command from the Start menu by clicking StartRun (or Windows+R).
  • Type regedit and confirm.
  • Open the key: KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion
  • On the right, double-click the ProgramFilesDir key and modify the data of this key by entering a new path of the installation folder.
  • For example, enter the path D:\Program Files to change the partition on which the installation will take place.
  • Finally, restart the software installation by double-clicking the icon.


Cosme Asseya is the CEO of the Dlubal Software branch office in Paris, France. He is responsible for coordinating sales, marketing, and technical support activities for French-speaking countries.
