
Reversed Initial Directions for Moving Loads on Continuous Members in RF-MOVE / RSMOVE

I have problems when defining moving loads on continuous members. For Continuous Members 1 and 2, the initial directions are inverted, although they are displayed in the same direction.


Ultimately, all loads defined in RF‑MOVE / RSMOVE refer to members. In our example, the member orientation against the orientation of the set of members is determined for Continuous Member 1. In Set of Members 2, however, the orientation of the set of members is the same as the member orientation.

You can easily compare both structures by selecting all members of Set of Members 1 and changing the member orientation using the function shown in Image 01 below, for example. Then, it is necessary to generate the moving loads again.


Mr. Baumgärtel provides technical support for Dlubal Software customers.

