
Error No. 56 for Punching Shear Design

In result window 2.1 "Punching Shear Design", I get error No. 56 "The FE mesh is not dense enough". How can I set the mesh?


Depending on the selected type of load determination, RF‑PUNCH Pro determines the punching load from shear forces in the control perimeter. For this, the internal forces in surfaces from the RFEM model apply.

If the FE mesh in the area of the punching node is not dense enough, this can lead to inaccurate results. In this case, you will get message No. 56 in Window 2.1.

To avoid this problem, you should carry out FE mesh refinement in the area of the node of punching shear in the RFEM model. You can arrange this either directly on the node or on the adjacent lines of wall ends or wall corners.

If you create sufficiently dense FE mesh refinement, the warning message disappears automatically after a recalculation in RF‑PUNCH Pro.


Mr. Kieloch provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.
