
Welded Members

What is the best way to model two welded members that lie parallel to each other?


The following options are available for modeling two welded members lying parallel to each other (Image 01):

1) Connecting both members using rigid members at certain distances:

  • Division of the members at certain distances: Right-click the corresponding members → "Divide Member"
  • Connection of the newly created nodes using rigid members

2) Generating a surface from the member (possible in RFEM only):

  • Right-click one of the members → "Generate Surfaces from Member"
  • Displacement of the other member into a plane of the newly created surfaces in a way so that the line of the displaced member is integrated into the corresponding surface (check: dialog box "Edit Surface" → tab "Integrated")
  • Defining a member eccentricity in a way so that the original position is restored ("Edit Member" → "Settings" tab → "New Member Eccentricity" → here practically: "Relative Offset")
  • If the member used for generating surfaces is designed in an add-on module, you can simply define a result member here.

3) Use the SHAPE-THIN stand-alone program to model and design the individual cross-sections.


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