
Plastic Design and Exceeded Yield Criterion

When performing plastic design, I get stresses displayed that exceed the yield criterion. Have I done anything wrong?


You are working with a plastic material behavior in your file and have entered the yield strength. Therefore, the stress in your model will not increase, because the material starts to plasticize once the stress is exceeded.

The stress limitation on the yield strength always refers to an entire finite element (a surface element or a solid element). Therefore, the stress must always be considered with the "Constant in elements" smoothing in the plastic design.

This smoothing is activated for surface elements in Project Navigator - Display "Results → Surfaces → Distribution of internal forces/stresses → Constant in elements".

For solid elements, the entry can be found under "Results → Solids → Distribution of internal forces/stresses → Constant in elements".

In RF‑STEEL Surfaces, you can also set the stresses to "Constant in Elements".

To do this, click on [Details] and go to the "Options" tab.

The following technical article explains all smoothing variants of the surface results in detail:
KB 001571 | Internal Forces Diagram/Surface Stresses – Smoothing Options


Mr. Faulstich is responsible for the quality assurance of the RFEM program and provides customer support.

  1. Dlubal Software. (2018). Manual RFEM. Tiefenbach.
