
Members Lying on Top of Each Other

How can I find members lying on top of each other and delete one of them?


The model check of RFEM and RSTAB allows you to find members lying on top of each other.

Find Double Members

Menu "Tools" → "Model Check" → "Overlapping Members". Duplicate members are sorted by groups in a dialog box (see Image 01 and Image 02).

You can delete the unnecessary member as follows: Cancel the selection (click in the empty area), then right-click the member. You can now use the "Delete Member" function in the member shortcut menu.


In the "Edit" → "Allow Double Members" menu, you can generally exclude the overlapping members (see Image 03).

As an alternative, you can use the model check to output the member pairs as an Excel list or to create sections (see the marked buttons in Image 04). The visibilities created in this way can be quickly used to find and delete relevant members in the model.


Mr. Baumgärtel provides technical support for Dlubal Software customers.

