
Changing Direction of Nodal Loads in RFEM and RSTAB

Is there any possibility in RFEM and RSTAB to change the direction of a particular force component on all available nodal loads?


You can quickly change the direction of a specific force component at all existing nodal loads using the navigator or the input window.

In the navigator, double-click the row with the desired nodal forces of the corresponding load case. The "Nodal Force" dialog box appears, where you can assign the component to another direction.

In Window 3.1, it is possible to change all existing nodal forces using block functions, for example. To do this, select the column with the nodal forces and copy them using the key combination Ctrl+C. Then, go to the desired column and paste the entries from the clipboard (shortcut Ctrl+V). If there are already some values, it is necessary to delete them beforehand.


Mr. Baumgärtel provides technical support for Dlubal Software customers.
