
FAQ 004974 | In RF-/TIMBER AWC and RF-/TIMBER CSA, I receive the error that says torsion limit ex...

In RF-/TIMBER AWC and RF-/TIMBER CSA, I receive the error that says torsion limit exceeded. How do I bypass this error message?

Torsion design is not specified in ANSI/AWC-NDS and CAN/CSA O86. It is possible to ignore shear stresses due to torsion if a user-defined ratio of the torsional shear resistance is not exceeded (default: 5%). If the limit is exceeded, a note appears in the result window. This limit setting is not part of the Standard. Changing the limit is the responsibility of the user. It is also possible to completely ignore torsion.

In the add-on modules RF-/TIMBER AWC and RF-/TIMBER CSA, go to 'Details' to modify the torsion design.
