RFEM Interface for Import of Files in Formats STEP, IGES, ACIS
RF-LINK | Standard ACIS Text Format (* .sat)
The ACIS SAT file format is smaller than other 3D formats, saving you time when importing and exporting models. The export currently supports the ACIS 7.0 format.
In addition, SAT is considered to be particularly robust, and all geometry and topology data, where relevant in RFEM, are retained in the highly accurate SAT models.
RF-LINK | Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (*.igs, *.iges)
The Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) defines a neutral, highly independent data format, which is used to exchange digital information among Computer Aided Design (CAD) programs.
RF-LINK | Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data (*.stp, *.step)
The STEP format represents a standard interface initiated by ISO (ISO 10303). In the topology specification, all shapes (line, surface, and solid models) relevant for RFEM can be transferred from CAD models.
Note: This format is completely different from the product interface DSTV (Deutscher Stahlbau Verband), which uses the same file extension *.stp.
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