
Study on Structuring of Complex Structural Models Using Example of Multi-Story Reinforced Concrete Structures

This thesis explores different linear-elastic analysis methods for calculating internal forces and vertical displacements of columns or beams in tall concrete structures using RFEM 6 by Dlubal. The case study reveals strong links between the deformation and forces acting up on the structure. Various load transformations can be observed, based on the height of the building and the stiffness ratios.

Theo Tomczik

Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Deviations between the calculation approaches will be discussed in order to provide recommendations for practical application. When calculating a threedimensional structure, neglecting the building stages can lead to unrealistic results because of overestimated displacements. Two analytical add-ons, the constructionsequence-analysis (CSA) and the building model, will be introduced to cope with these problems. In particular, the interaction of internal forces and displacements is a central topic and generally valid statements are derived. A small investigation concerning reinforced concrete columns should provide an overview of the overall influence of reinforcement on the load distribution. Effects of nonlinear behavior in general or time-dependent effects are not part of this study.

