
Structural Analysis and Design of Steel Supporting Structure of High-Rise Building

The goal of this thesis was to structurally analyze and design a steel supporting structure of a high-rise building based on architectural design. The thesis describes a global numerical model of the structure subjected to the usual EC load types, including seismic actions as well as wind, which is determined by the numercal simulation of a wind flow around the structure.

A part of the submitted diploma thesis is also the ultimate and the serviceability limit state design of the supporting structure of a selected floor. The structural engineering software RFEM was used to create the numerical model and the structural analysis of the supporting structure of the analyzed high-rise building; the wind effects are analyzed in RWIND Simulation.
Marek Kawulok
Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Giants rising to the sky. Today, an inherent symbol making the panorama and bringing the individuality into big cities. Dreams, muses, and canvases of the architects longing to write their name in history. The driving force of engineers to implement innovative structures and processes. The hard work and effort of the builders in the construction of these giants. Skyscrapers, the embodiment of the human will and determination to cross the bordes of the seemingly impossible.

The topic of skyscrapers and high-rise buildings is the subject of this graduation thesis. The first chapters provide an introduction to the history of high-rise buildings and the development of skyscrapers since the 19th century. The following chapters describe the structural systems of skyscrapers. The main part of the thesis is the structural analysis and design of the steel supporting structure of a high-rise building based on an architectural design.

