
Use of Shear Connectors and Steel Fibre Concrete for Timber-Concrete Composite Structures

This thesis deals with designing timber‑concrete composite structures. Concrete as favorable material is used to absorb compression components. Steel fiber concrete is selected as material. Its nonlinear structural behavior will be considered separately. Tensile forces in the composite cross‑section are transferred by the timber. In order to connect shear forces between these two materials, a birdsmouth joint is cut into the timber.

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the force distribution during the loading of the structure to scrutinize the current calculation and design methods. Especially, the reinforcement as well as the fasteners used should be reduced as much as possible.

Bastian Kuhn
Leibniz University of Hanover, Germany
Institute of Building Physics

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the force distribution during the loading of the structure to scrutinize the current calculation and design methods. Especially, the reinforcement as well as the fasteners used should be reduced as much as possible.

