
Aircraft Hangar at Silvio Pettirossi International Airport | Luque, Paraguay

Metalúrgica Vera S.R.L. was responsible for the design and construction of a new hangar structure for a large aircraft repair and storage, located at Paraguay’s Silvio Pettirossi International Airport.

The building includes seven steel frames spaced 25.26 feet on-center. The walls are a precast thermo-acoustically insulated concrete system. The roof cladding includes sandwich panels supported by cold-formed lightweight steel sections.

Two hinged frames with welded tapered cross-sections span 213 ft in length. The column cross-section depth is about 1.6 ft at the bottom and 6.6 ft at the top. The frame beams are tapered at the start as well as at the span middle. With the strong bracing system, the structure was designed to withstand 180 km/h (111.85 mph) 3-second gust wind loads, which is required by Paraguayan wind standard NP 196. In combination with the purlins, the bracing elements also prevent lateral-torsional buckling of the frame beams.

The basic steel design was calculated in RF‑STEEL while the code design was calculated in RF‑STEEL AISC. After the initial design, the 3D model was created in Tekla Structures to maximize quality and minimize delays during construction.
Location Luque
Investor XT Paraguay S.A
Structural Design and Steel Structure Metalúrgica Vera S.R.L
Ypané, Paraguay
E-mail: [email protected]

Project Specifications

Model Data

Number of Nodes 382
Number of Lines 579
Number of Members 579
Number of Load Cases 7
Number of Load Combinations 32
Number of Result Combinations 2
Total Weight 159.096 tons
Dimensions (Metric) 65.073 x 46.521 x 14.013 m
Dimensions (Imperial) 213.49 x 152.63 x 45.97 feet
Program Version 5.22.00

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