
2 Input Data

When you start the add-on module, a new window opens. In this window, a navigator is displayed on the left, managing the available module windows. The drop-down list above the navigator contains the design cases.

The data that is relevant for the limit values must be defined in two input windows. If you set a timber standard for the analysis, a third input window for the definition of the load duration class is automatically added.

To select a particular module window, click the corresponding entry in the navigator. To go to the previous or subsequent module window, use the buttons shown on the left. You can also use the function keys to select the next [F2] or previous [F3] module window.

To save the entered data, click [OK]. You will exit RF-/LIMITS and return to the main program. Click [Cancel] to exit the add-on module without saving the data.

Units and Decimal Places

The units and decimal places for RFEM and RSTAB and the add-on modules are managed together. To access the dialog box for adjusting the units in RF-/LIMITS, use the menu and click

Settings → Units and Decimal Places.

The program opens the following dialog box that you already know from RFEM and RSTAB. RF-/LIMITS is preset in the Program / Module list.

Figure 2.1 Dialog Box Units and Decimal Places

The modified settings can be saved as user profile and reused in other models. The functions are described in chapter 11.1.3 of the RFEM or RSTAB manual.