
RFEM 与 Autodesk Inventor 集成

RFEM 是否与 Autodesk Inventor 集成?


RFEM 可以与 Autodesk Inventor 以有限的方式进行通信。 Inventor reads and writes volumetric and geometric information similar to .IFC coordination view files. A .STEP file can be exported from this program. RFEM can then import such files in the BIM/CAD Model with the additional module RF-LINK.
RFEM 5 的附加模块 RF-LINK

Alternatively, any CAD program has the ability to export .DXF files which allow RFEM to read center line information. This is not a full solution and will require additional work for the user once in RFEM but does not require any addition add-on modules.

Lastly, a user can utilize RF-COM/RS-COM to develop a process to read any CAD software into RFEM/RSTAB through an open API interface.
RS-COM 产品描述


Amy Heilig 是美国子公司的 CEO,负责北美市场的销售和软件开发。
