
Regular Expressions in Conversion Files

RFEM and RSTAB provide numerous interfaces with other programs for data exchange. In the respective programs, different names are often used for the same materials and cross-sections. Therefore, it is necessary to convert the material and cross‑section names in order for them to be recognized by the program after the data exchange.

The conversion can be done using a conversion file. In addition to the description in the third-party application and the corresponding description in RFEM/RSTAB as described in the article "Simplified Import and Export via Conversion File", you can use regular expressions for the conversion. In each case, it is necessary to define the conversion for importing (to RFEM/RSTAB) and exporting (from RFEM/RSTAB). For this, the following syntax is required:

Import format:
REGEX_IMP: example material or cross-section; example alternative material or cross-section

Export format:
REGEX_EXP: example material or cross-section; example alternative material or cross-section

The following conversion is to be done:
Pi(B) 500/20/15/300/400/100/12/4/3 <--> ZHWS400*500*15*20*100*12*300
REGEX_IMP:^ZHWS(\d+)\*(\d+)\*(\d+)\*(\d+)\*(\d+)\*(\d+)\*(\d+); Pi(B) $2/$4/$3/$7/$1/$5/$6/0/0
REGEX_EXP:^Pi\(B\)\s?(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+); ZHWS$5*$1*$3*$2*$6*$7*$4


Ms. von Bloh provides technical support for our customers and is responsible for the development of the SHAPE‑THIN program as well as steel and aluminum structures.

