In the Python High Level Library, there is no direct function for generating the orthotropic material. However, it is possible to transfer user-defined parameters for all methods. This means that it is possible to create such a material easily. This example shows the procedure:
from RFEM.enums import *
from RFEM.initModel import *
from RFEM.BasicObjects.material import Material
Model(True, 'Material.rf6')
p = {
"material_type": "TYPE_TIMBER",
"material_model": "MODEL_ORTHOTROPIC_2D",
"application_context": "TIMBER_DESIGN",
"stiffness_modification": True,
"stiffness_modification_type": "STIFFNESS_MODIFICATION_TYPE_DIVISION"
Material(1, 'C24 | EN 338:2016-04', params=p)
First, the user-defined parameter is defined as Dictionary <code>p</code> and then transferred to <code>params</code> when creating the model.
This article shows the options: