
Animation of Load Increase or Construction Process

How can I animate a load increase or a construction process?


By defining load increments, the defined load level can be increased gradually, iterating for each load level until the equilibrium is found. This option is particularly useful for the calculations according to the second-order or large deformation analysis, as finding the equilibrium often turns out to be difficult in the case of large deformations.

A load increment can generally be defined in the structural analysis settings. To do this, open the Structural Analysis Settings and then simply increase the number of load increments. In order to display the intermediate results of the individual load increments in addition to the final load factor, the intermediate results can be displayed using the "Save results of all load increments" function.

To display these load increments in animated form, there is an option to start an animation in the Results navigator.

This animation element can also be found for several list boxes in the program. In this way, the load cases and load combinations as well as the list boxes in the table can be displayed as an animation.
