The calculation parameters of a load case cannot be set initially, when creating it, but only afterwards, using the interface of the existing load case. To get the interface of a load case, you have to get the interfaces 'IModel' and 'ILoads' first:
Sub test_analysis_parameters()
Dim iApp As RFEM5.Application
Set iApp = GetObject(, "RFEM5.Application")
Dim iMod As RFEM5.IModel3
Set iMod = iApp.GetActiveModel
On Error GoTo e
' get interface of loads
Dim iLds As RFEM5.iLoads
Set iLds = iMod.GetLoads
' get interface of load case
Dim iLc As RFEM5.ILoadCase
Set iLc = iLds.GetLoadCase(1, AtNo)
' get analysis parameters
Dim param_analy As RFEM5.AnalysisParameters
param_analy = iLc.GetAnalysisParameters
' change analysis parameters
param_analy.Method = Postcritical
param_analy.ModifyLoadingByFactor = True
param_analy.LoadingFactor = 1.5
' ...
' set new analysis parameters
iLc.SetAnalysisParameters param_analy
If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.description, vbCritical, Err.Source
Set iMod = Nothing
End Sub
Use 'ILoads.GetLoadcase' to get the interface for a specific load case. This interface provides the functions 'GetAnalysisParameters' and 'SetAnalysisparameters' that you can then use to read out and write the parameters.
The same procedure also applies for load combinations.