
Export of RFEM/RSTAB Files from Tekla

Is it possible to create RFEM/RSTAB files in Tekla without having an RFEM/RSTAB license?


In Tekla, it is also possible to create RFEM/RSTAB files without having an RFEM/RSTAB license. However, RFEM/RSTAB must be installed on a computer with Tekla installed. It is sufficient to install the trial version of RFEM/RSTAB, which you can download here:

To export a model from Tekla to RFEM/RSTAB, it is necessary first to create a structural model in Tekla. To do this, open the "Structural Models" dialog box via the "Structural Analysis" tab → "Structural Models". The "New…" button opens the "Analysis Model Properties" dialog box, where you can select the "Dlubal File (.NET)" analysis application in the "Analysis Model" tab (Image 01).

The properties of structural parts can be defined in Tekla in the dialog box for structural part properties.

In the "Analysis Models" dialog box, select the analysis model to be exported. The "Export" button opens the "Select Application for Export" dialog box, where you can select the desired target application (Image 02).

In the "Export Options" window, select the "Analytical Model" option to export the analytical model (Image 03).

The location of the rf5 file/rs8 file can be selected after clicking "OK".

The video shows the creation of the structural model including the definition of the structural properties, such as member type, hinges, and supports, as well as the export to an RSTAB file.


Ms. von Bloh provides technical support for our customers and is responsible for the development of the SHAPE‑THIN program as well as steel and aluminum structures.
