
Snow Load in RX-TIMBER: Adjustment Factor According to EN 1991-1-3

I have manually defined a snow load of 5 kN/m² in the RX‑TIMBER program. However, the calculation uses a load of 4 kN/m². Why is the defined snow load not applied?


According to EN 1991‑1‑3, the snow load must be multiplied by the factor of 0.8 for the snow load on a roof. Therefore, the following load results:
sk = 5 kN/m² × 0.8 = 4 kN/m²

If the load has already been calculated for the roof, you can enter the load completely under the user-defined loads. This is shown in Image 01 and in the video.


Mr. Kuhn is responsible for developing products for timber structures, and provides technical support for our customers.

