
Leasing Options of Dlubal Software

Can I also lease a program?


Dlubal Software GmbH offers no leasing options as a lease provider.

If you would like to lease the programs, please contact a company that is active on the market; for example, the companies GRENKE or MMV Leasing in Germany.


  • Find out from Dlubal Sales about your options to buy, rent, or subscribe.
  • Discuss your personal situation and individual requirements with us to find the best option.
  • Get a quote from Sales for the relevant programs and add-on modules.
  • If you are not sure yet, get an external leasing quote.
  • Compare our offer conditions with the offers of external providers for leasing.
  • Decide on the option that meets your requirements.

Note on Leasing

  • Please check if a one-time payment is owed to the lessor for the final acquisition of the programs at the end of the contract, and if so, in what amount.

If you need advice, please contact the sales department directly.

