

In RF‑/DYNAM Pro, I can select a conversion type for the mass. What do the different options mean, and what are the differences?

This setting defines how the defined loads in RFEM/RSTAB are handled in the dynamic analysis add-on module, since they have to be transformed in masses at first.

Z load components: If you select this option, only the masses acting in the Z-direction are considered. This includes the positive as well as the negative directions. This option is preset, since it is required in most cases. Loads such as earth pressure defined in the horizontal direction are not taken into account.

Z load components (in the gravity direction): In this case, the loads are only considered in the positive Z-axis. If you want to use this option, you should check in which direction the Z-axis was defined. With this option, it does not matter in which direction you apply the self-weight in a load case.

Full load as mass: This option allows you to convert all loads into masses, both horizontal and vertical. The direction is no longer considered in the case of masses. Therefore, RF‑/DYNAM Pro creates the load resultant as soon as the loads with different directions act on a node.