
FAQ 004614 | For a line support, I get an error message saying that the line is not assigned to ...

For a line support, I get an error message saying that the line is not assigned to any surface. How can I run my calculation?

Line supports describe the boundary conditions of all FE nodes available along a line: Displacements and rotations on these internal nodes can be prevented or limited by translational and rotational springs.

Line supports can only be defined on lines that belong to a surface or a solid. Enter the line number in the table column or text box of the dialog box, or select it graphically. If there is no surface or a solid, an error message appears.

For modeling without surfaces and solids, it is sufficient to delete the line support and adjust the support conditions.

As an alternative to line supports, it is possible to use member elastic foundations for members in order to model an elastic support of the member along its entire length.
