
FAQ 004371 | Is it possible to apply the minimum bending moments according to DIN EN 1992‑1‑1 in RF‑PUNCH Pro?

Is it possible to apply the minimum bending moments according to DIN EN 1992‑1‑1 in RF‑PUNCH Pro?

Yes, it is. To do this, open Window 1.5.

If there are too few nodes selected for design, so that the program cannot determine the dimensions l-x or l-y automatically according to DIN EN 1992‑1‑1, 6.4.5 (NA6), Figure NA 6.22.1, a message appears, saying that the conditions for determining the minimum bending moments are not fulfilled.

The program requires at least four nodes to determine the span lengths in the x- and y‑directions.

In this case, you can define the minimum bending moments manually.
