Guilherme dos Santos Silva
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo, Brazil
Campus Votuporanga |
Using RFEM 5, which applies the FEM (Finite Element Method), the results obtained by the Navier's method were validated. Three examples were elaborated both in the module (presented here) and in RFEM 5 in order to compare the results obtained in the different methods: Navier and FEM. The results obtained by the module presented here (Navier), as long as the final numbers m and n of the Navier functions are adjusted, generally do not deviate from those obtained by RFEM 5 (FEM) in the three examples. Thus, RFEM 5 was essential for carrying out this work, and thus for the proposed objective, the utilization of which proved to be simple and efficient.
Therefore, the module created proves to be effective in creating displacement and effort diagrams, showing that the results of Navier's functions are satisfactory, and prepares a report that can be used as support material for students, professors and professionals.