
Earthquake Safety of Steel Structures

The thesis represents an introduction into the complex field of anti-seismic construction. It was written due to the need for more background knowledge, in particular with regard to the present regulations, such as EC 8 and DIN 4149 (2005). Thus, the thesis focuses on practical activities of a civil engineer, that means the use and application of available knowledge in real situations.

Matthias Pick
Karlsruhe University of Technology and Economics, Germany

First, the thesis describes the important seismological basics and significant relations between the earthquake, design resistance, and ductility. Then, the thesis provides an overview about the anti‑seismic design of high‑rise buildings with the focus on steel structures.

In order to explain the calculation methods, the thesis continues with the important basics of structural dynamics using a general and methodical description and a VBA program. At the end of the thesis, a design example of a steel structure is shown, where the gained knowledge is presented.

