
Customized Aluminum Structure for Jiangsu TV Station, China

At the request of Dutchrigger BV, T&E Support performed the structural analysis for an aluminum structure used in the Chinese TV station Jiangsu TV’s New Year's Eve show.

In addition, TE Support was also responsible for supervising the installation. Für die Berechnung und Bemessung des 3D-Modells nutzten sie das Finite-Elemente-Programm RFEM und das Zusatzmodul RF-ALUMINIUM.

Stage Design

The show’s stage concept was modeled on a drop of water, symbolizing the sweat of struggle and tears of joy. The structure also resembled a drop of water and was motion-controlled. Twelve ring-like structures utilizing circular trusses were fully equipped with entertainment technology in order to transform into various shapes to match the stage performance.

Owner Dutchrigger BV
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Structural Analysis T&E Support

Project Specifications

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