
Most Suitable Software for Structural Analyses According to Eurocodes

We decided to work with RFEM by Dlubal Software for the calculation of our three-dimensional steel structures after the analysis of different offers on the market. It is the software which seems to be the most suitable for analyses according to Eurocode standards. With its clear and intuitive interface, the data and the results can be entered visibly and editably in a smooth and efficient way which minimizes the effect of a "black box".

The technical support is remarkably patient, competent and responds quickly which confirmed our decision in favor of RFEM. The tutorials, the blog and the detailed user manuals allow a self-study and a comprehensive initial training and then a continuous learning of new functions. A further positive aspect is the modular structure which makes it possible to enlarge the offer based on the same main program without important learning phase. Even if we decide tomorrow to focus more in timber, aluminum or glass structures, the calculation will not be a blocking element for us.

Pierre-Yves Bernardi, engineer leader

Thomas Constructions Métalliques