
Modeling Semi‑Rigid Composite Beam with Members

Is it possible to model a semi-rigid composite beam with a line release using members in RFEM?


Yes, it is possible. It is important to ensure that initially only one beam is modeled, the lines of which are released with a line release. You will then add another member to the automatically generated copies of the lines.

In the case of split beams, make sure that both members connected to the nodes are released in the table of line releases. Under Downloads below, you can find an example of a composite plate made of timber and concrete from [1] as a calculated model.

If a member with the "concrete" material is used, make sure that the function shown in Image 02 is deactivated in the FE mesh settings. The division for the nonlinear reinforced concrete calculation is not compatible with the line releases.


Mr. Rehm is responsible for developing products for timber structures, and he provides technical support for customers.

  1. Blass, H. J., Ehlbeck, J., Kreuzinger, H., & Steck, G. (2005). Erläuterungen zu DIN 1052: Entwurf, Berechnung und Bemessung von Holzbauwerken, (2nd ed.). Karlsruhe: Bruderverlag.
