
Optymalizacja modeli w RFEM 6 i RSTAB 9

Co mogę zrobić, aby zwiększyć wydajność, gdy model jest bardzo duży?


Generalnie, aby zoptymalizować lub zminimalizować czas potrzebny na wszystkie procesy w przypadku dużych modeli, należy zwrócić uwagę na różne punkty. Pomocne może być:

  • Użyj modelu szkieletowego w grafice zamiast modelu bryłowego,
  • Deactivate the display of tables and the navigator,
  • Add our programs to the exceptions in the settings of your antivirus program,
  • Have as few applications and RFEM 6 / RSTAB 9 files as possible open at the same time,
  • Upgrade your PC. For example, you can often achieve significant performance increase with an SSD memory. Your PC should also have sufficient RAM memory.

Furthermore, generated loads can also negatively affect the performance, as they are recalculated in the background after each work step. If there are many of them in the model, it can be useful sometimes to disconnect them (see Image 02). However, the big advantage of adjusting the loads automatically is if any changes are made to the model the loading will be adjusted automatically.

It may also be helpful to save the RFEM 6 / RSTAB 9 files locally, instead of in a network.

One possible cause of the slower reactions of the program may be missing user rights. If you are not working with the administrator account, it is necessary to have full access rights to various directories and subdirectories.

Furthermore, you should ensure that you are always working with the current version of RFEM 6 / RSTAB 9.


Alex jest odpowiedzialny za szkolenie klientów, wsparcie techniczne i ciągły rozwój programów na rynek północnoamerykański.
