
2.4.5 Règles d'armatures

Règles d'armatures

For plates, the reinforcement rules presented in chapter 2.3.7 apply.

In RF-CONCRETE Surfaces, user-defined specifications can be set in window 1.4 Reinforcement. The following tabs are relevant:

If there are different specifications for the minimum shear reinforcement in the two tabs, the more unfavorable specification applies.

The user-defined reinforcement specifications can be found in the design details.

Figure 2.47 Minimum reinforcement and maximum reinforcement ratio
Figure 2.48 Armatures à utiliser

L'armature à utiliser est affichée pour la Surface inférieure (+z) et la Surface supérieure (-z) des menus arborescents séparés. Les armatures individuelles pour chaque direction indiquent si l'armature à utiliser est requise statiquement ou l'armature longitudinale minimum.

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