
RSECTION 1 中的薄壁分析

独立软件 RSECTION 可以帮助您计算薄壁截面和厚壁截面的截面属性,并进行应力分析。 该程序可以连接到 RFEM 和 RSTAB,因此 RSECTION 的截面也可以在 RFEM 和 RSTAB 库中使用。 同样,RFEM 和 RSTAB 中的内力也可以导入到 RSECTION 中。

如知识库文章中所述 RFEM 6 - 张弦结构找形分析及荷载态计算 , the following analysis methods are available in RSECTION: thin-walled analysis and finite element analysis. This article will discuss the former, with which the section properties for both gross and effective cross-sections are calculated analytically (based on the section’s elements).

A summary of the analysis and calculation was explained in the above-mentioned article. Hence, we assume that the section of interest is available, and that the thin-walled analysis method, as well as the calculation of effective section according to EN 1993-1-3 [1], are selected in the Base Data (Image 1).

Next, a load case is created and the internal forces to be stored in it are defined. As elaborated in the above-mentioned article, the internal forces can be defined in the program itself or imported from RFEM/RSTAB. In this example, an axial force of 1 kN has been defined at location x=0.5, as shown in Image 2. Before starting the calculation, you can also select the stresses to be calculated in the Stress Configuration window, where a list of stresses and an associated description of the selected stress is also available.

Once you have calculated everything, the results of the calculation are available in the program. In the Navigator’s Results, you can switch between the results for both gross and effective cross-sections, as shown in Images 3 and 4, respectively.

Distorsional buckling can occur for cold-formed sections with edge or intermediate stiffeners, such as the one in this example. In the RSECTION program, distorsional buckling is determined using the eigenvalue method, and its influence is taken into account by reducing the thickness of the section. This can also be noticed in the results of the effective thin-walled analysis (Image 4).


Kirove 女士的职责是撰写技术文章并为 Dlubal 软件的客户提供技术支持。

  1. 欧洲标准化委员会。 (2010)。欧洲规范 3: Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbauten – Teil 1-3: Allgemeine Regeln - Ergänzende Regeln für kaltgeformte Bauteile und Bleche. Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin, 2010
