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Diagramma di analisi concatenata

Qual è la funzione del diagramma di analisi concatenata?


Un nuovo tipo di diagramma di calcolo chiamato Diagramma di analisi concatenato può essere utilizzato per collegare più diagrammi di risultati da diverse combinazioni di carico. The chained analysis diagram is useful to display the complete result of construction stages, or to describe the hysteresis behavior of a plastic material model and its inelastic deformations.

As an example (Image 01), a steel member with plastic material model is initially loaded (LC1) to reach the first yield point (when the material initially transitions from elastic to plastic behavior). In LC2, the load is removed but permanent deformation has occurred since the material has entered plastic region. LC3, LC4, and LC5 are created to describe the cyclic loading (hysteresis loop).
Multiple result types are available to define the horizontal and vertical axes of the diagram.

As demonstrated above, a hysteresis plot can be generated by creating a chain of loads and plotting them together. However, static analysis is only feasible with a nonlinear isotropic hardening material model. Kinematic hardening material models are not supported in RFEM. Additionally, only linear dynamic analysis is currently available, which means such nonlinear material models cannot be used in dynamic analysis.

Refer to the link below for guidance on creating a new calculation diagram.


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