
Nota sobre la turbulencia

La turbulencia es uno de los fenómenos más complicados que se observan en la naturaleza, lo que dificulta una definición precisa. En el flujo turbulento, el fluido sigue trayectorias curvas irregulares llamadas remolinos. Generally, the flow is intertwined and creates structures of many different sizes. They move and rotate instantaneously, interact with each other and the main flow field and they change shape and size rapidly. The mixing is significant and affects momentum diffusion and, as consequence, the aerodynamic forces within a fluid and surrounding obstacle, such as buildings. If you want to study this complicated phenomenon and look under the bonnet, we recommend this Introduction to Turbulence. [1]

The turbulent structures cause in the fluid the vorticity, which is often used to describe turbulence rather than velocity.

Vorticity is primarily generated at solid boundaries. In the boundary layers formed along solid boundaries, the velocity varies from zero at the boundary (no-slip condition) to a value mostly unaffected by the boundary, determined by the flow. Turbulence occurs, when instabilities, such as roughness of the boundary surface, cause the vorticity to become chaotic, sustained by a sufficiently high Reynolds number. The boundary layer breaks away from the boundary, vorticity and turbulence are thereby swept into regions of fluid away from the boundaries. Large eddies are usually anisotropic (for example flow past a cylinder causes shedding of vortices). Flow disturbances trigger instabilities which cause vortices to stretch, compress and disappear. Coherent flow structures rapidly disintegrate into a mass of turbulent eddies with growth of isotropy on large scale. Large eddies become smaller until they reach a size where the dissipation of their kinetic energy due to viscosity is significant. The loss of kinetic energy causes these eddies to vanish. [3]

For an incompressible fluid the vorticity obeys the transport equation.

Numerical Modelling of Turbulence

In order to fully capture turbulence by numerical modelling, the equations of motion for fluid flow on all spatial and temporal scales must be solved. There does not exist one suitable universal method.

The exact method calculating the flow using the above-mentioned equations for all scales, referred to as "Direct Numerical Simulation" (DNS), is not applicable for practical CFD due to its computational costs. The computational resources required by DNS far exceed the capacity of the most powerful supercomputers currently available.

"Large-Eddy Simulation" (LES) instead uses accurate numerical schemes such as DNS for large scales, while for the small scales modelling of turbulence is used (so called subgrid-scale modelling). It has severe limitations in the near wall regions, as the computational effort required for the boundary layer, where turbulence length scale becomes very small, grows rapidly. However, for free shear flows, where the large eddies are at the order of magnitude as the shear layer and strongly anisotropic, LES may provide extremely reliable results. It is useful to resolve problems such as flow induces vibrations etc.

For most practical CFD problems the computational costs of DNS and to a lesser extent LES is too great. Instead, "Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes" (RANS) equations method is much more affordable (see subchapter RANS Models for Turbulence.

For more complex problems, where advantages of the above-mentioned methods are required, but the computational costs must remain reasonable, so-called "Global hybrid methods" can be used (see subchapter Global Hybrid Models for Turbulence). The Global hybrid methods are based on combination of LES and RANS methods switching them as the resolution level changes. RANS is applied for a portion of the boundary layer and large eddies are resolved away from these regions by LES. The most popular models are "Detached Eddy Simulation" (DES) or "Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation" (DDES).

RANS Models for Turbulence

For steady flows, RWIND 2 uses Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations (RANS) model of turbulence. RANS is based on the Reynolds decomposition according to which a flow variable is decomposed into mean and fluctuating components. When the decomposition is applied to Navier-Stokes equations, an extra term known as the "Reynolds Stress Tensor" arises and a system of equations needs to be “closed”. Levels of RANS turbulence models are related to the number of differential equations added to RANS equations in order to “close” them. [2]

The most popular two-equation models k-ε a k-ω are available also in RWIND 2. One-equation “Spalart-Allmaras” (SA) turbulence model has been developed specifically for aerodynamic flows and is also used often in the Global hybrid methods. It is used in RWINDS 2 Pro for modelling turbulence in transient flows (see subchapter [#GlobalHybridModelsForTurbulence Global hybrid models for turbulence])

k-ε Turbulencia Model

The k-ε model was the first turbulence model to be widely used for a variety of flows in CFD. It is based on analogy of the random motion of eddies in a turbulent fluid flow with particles at a molecular scale, suggested by Boussinesq. He introduced the concept of eddy viscosity, which is not fluid property but is proportional to a characteristic speed and length scale of the turbulence. The models are required to represent each of these scales. The speed scale is represented by turbulent kinetic energy k, described by a transport equation. The k-equation includes a term for its rate of dissipation ε; a transport equation for ε, provides a model for that term – which also represents the length scale of turbulence. [2], [3]

The k- ε model is robust and computationally cheap. It is valid for fully turbulent flows only. Therefore, it is suitable for initial iterations and parametric studies. It performs poorly for complex flows involving severe or adverse pressure gradient, separations and strong streamline curvatures. It also behaves troublesome at boundaries.

k-ω Turbulencia Model

The k-ω model “closes” the RANS system by two partial differential equations for k and ω, with the first variable being again the turbulence kinetic energy and the second being the specific rate of dissipation (of the turbulence kinetic energy k into internal thermal energy). Its better dissipation term gives the k- ω model an advantage over k- ε model in the near-wall region. It has also good performance for free shear and low Reynolds number flows. It is more suitable for complex boundary layer flows and separation in external aerodynamics (however, the flow separation is typically predicted too excessive and early, and therefore requires high mesh resolution near the wall). It can be used also for transitional flows.

Two-equation models contain many assumptions and are calibrated to work well only according to well-known features of the applications they are designed to solve. Nonetheless, their strength has proven itself and the industry CFD calculations use them widely.

Global Hybrid Models for Turbulence

The idea of the global hybrid models is to benefit from advantages of the available RANS and LES models. The RANS method is applied for a portion of the boundary layer, where LES would have high computational costs, and the rest of the flow with large eddies is resolved by LES, where RANS cannot model well anisotropic turbulent structures. En otras palabras, a las regiones donde la escala de longitud turbulenta es menor que la dimensión máxima de la rejilla se les asigna el modo de solución RANS. As the turbulent length scale exceeds the grid dimension, the regions are solved using the LES mode, thereby cutting the computational costs significantly yet still offering some of the advantages of the LES method in separated regions.

Spalart-Allmaras DDES Model

In transient flow analysis (only in RWIND 2 Pro), a global hybrid model “Spalart-Allmaras Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation” is used, see Openfoam®.

The main improvement of the "Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation" (DDES) is to include the turbulent viscosity information into the switching mechanism to delay this switching in boundary layers. The RANS system is “closed” by one eddy-viscosity transport equation according to "Spalart-Allmaras model" with incorporated model length scale to the wall distance.

Spalart-Allmaras single-equation turbulent model that solves the modeled transport equation for the eddy turbulent viscosity νT. The equation resolves a Spalart-Allmaras, viscosity-like variable ṽ. Simply put, the variable ṽ is easier to calculate than νT directly, so the variable ṽ is first calculated numerically. Then, the eddy turbulent viscosity νT is calculated (corrected) using ṽ and finally νT is added to the momentum equations to close the system of equations and can be solved. Detailed description can be found here.

La turbulencia es uno de los fenómenos más complicados que se observan en la naturaleza, lo que dificulta una definición precisa. Literature gives many definitions, for example, the one included in [1]: "Un movimiento de fluido se describe como turbulento si es tridimensional, rotacional, intermitente, muy desordenado, difusivo y disipativo". Si desea estudiar este fenómeno y ahondar en sus complejidades, le recomendamos esta Introducción a la turbulencia.

Para capturar completamente la turbulencia mediante el modelado numérico, se deben resolver las ecuaciones de movimiento para el flujo de fluidos en todas las escalas espaciales y temporales. This approach is referred to as "Direct Numerical Simulation" (DNS). Para las aplicaciones industriales, los recursos computacionales requeridos por la DNS superan con creces la capacidad de las supercomputadoras más potentes disponibles en la actualidad.

En cambio, RWIND 2 utiliza una técnica diferente, como la velocidad o la presión descompuesta en componentes medios (promediados) y componentes fluctuantes. En otras palabras, las ecuaciones determinantes del movimiento de los fluidos se promedian para quitar las escalas pequeñas, lo que da como resultado un conjunto modificado de ecuaciones que son computacionalmente menos laboriosas de resolver. Those equations are referred to as "Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations" (RANS).

Para resolver las ecuaciones RANS en RWIND 2, se utiliza el modelo de turbulencia k–ε [2], que introduce dos ecuaciones de transporte para las propiedades de turbulencia: La primera es la ecuación de transporte de la energía cinética turbulenta k y la segunda ecuación determina el transporte de la velocidad de disipación ε de k. Este método representa el modelo más utilizado y probado para los cálculos de CFD. La robustez, la economía y la precisión razonable para una amplia gama de aplicaciones de flujo turbulento explican su popularidad en las simulaciones de flujo industriales. Furthermore, RWIND 2 provides the k–ω turbulence model as an alternative (see this Wikipedia article).

With "Large Eddy Simulation" (LES), relatively large-scale turbulent structures are resolved as in (DNS). Small-scale structures, referred to as sub-grid scales, are modelled.

In "Transient Flow Analysis," a modification of a "Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes" equation (RANS), the "Spalart-Allmaras Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation" model is used, see Openfoam®. Este modelo intenta tratar las regiones cercanas al muro de una manera similar a RANS y el resto del flujo de una manera similar a LES. En otras palabras, a las regiones donde la escala de longitud turbulenta es menor que la dimensión máxima de la rejilla se les asigna el modo de solución RANS. A medida que la escala de longitud turbulenta excede la dimensión de la rejilla, las regiones se resuelven utilizando el modo LES.


Please note that "Spalart-Allmaras Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation" as well as "Transient Flow Analysis" are the features of RWIND 2 Pro only.

  1. N. C. Markatos: The mathematical modelling of turbulent flows. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 10 (1986), pp. 190-220
  2. B. E. Launder und B. I Sharma: Application of the energy-dissipation model of turbulence to the calculation of flow near a spinning disk. Letters in Heat Mass Transfer, Band 1, 1974, S. 131-138
  3. Greenshields, CJ y Weller, HG (2022). Notas sobre la dinámica de fluidos computacional: Principios generales. CFD Direct Ltd.
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