
RFEM 6 与 Autodesk Revit 的接口

与前几代德儒巴软件一样,RFEM 6 和 RSTAB 9 也提供与 Autodesk Revit 的接口。 本文介绍了与 Autodesk Revit 接口的一般信息,以及 Revit 中有关 Dlubal 的结构对象和参数。


德儒巴软件拥有可以与其他软件交互的各种接口,其中就有与 Autodesk Revit 的接口。 如果用户除了 RFEM 6 或 RSTAB 9 之外,还安装了 Autodesk Revit 和相关的插件,那么就可以使用这个接口在这两款结构分析软件和 CAD 软件之间交换数据。

Please note that the installation differs from that for RFEM 5 and RSTAB 8, where the interface with Autodesk Revit is automatically installed during the installation of RFEM or RSTAB. 但是对于 RFEM 6 和 RSTAB 9,用户需要手动安装相关插件。 插件所在位置见图 2 所示文件夹,请运行 .exe 文件来安装直接接口。

Also note that a WebService license is currently required for communication between Revit and RFEM 6/RSTAB 9, but this will be freely available in the future. 为了保证该许可证正常工作,还需激活 RFEM 6 中“程序选项和设置”里的“使用应用程序自动启动服务器”选项(图 3)。

Revit 中与 Dlubal 相关的结构对象

Autodesk Revit 提供了广泛的用于创建分析模型的可视化选项和特殊工具,当模型从 Autodesk Revit 导入 RFEM 6 或 RSTAB 9 中后,可以对其调整和优化,并且进行结构分析。 RFEM/RSTAB 采用基于面向对象进行结构建模,Revit Structure 是基于参数化的结构建模,它们在数据交换过程中不会丢失建模对象的智能。

这样,在 Revit 和 RFEM/RSTAB 中分别都会得到等效的对象,而不仅仅是线或面的集合。 当前在 Revit 中实现的与 Dlubal 相关的结构对象如图 4 所示。 图中所显示的列表位于“结构”下,不久的将来还会包括荷载。

Dlubal Parameters in Revit Interface

有一些 RFEM 6/RSTAB 9 特有的参数在 Revit 中默认为不可用。 For this reason, the Revit objects can be supplied with additional information, which RFEM/RSTAB then reads out accordingly. This can be done via “Dlubal Parameters” in Revit, which are only enabled after activation in various dialog boxes (via "Add Parameters" → "Start").

In this way, the RFEM/RSTAB-specific information can be stored in Revit. When exporting from Revit to RFEM 6 or RSTAB 9, this information is then correctly interpreted in RFEM/RSTAB.

Since this part of the interface is still under development, only the following Dlubal parameters can currently be defined (marked red in Image 5):

  • "Member Type Truss", which corresponds to the member type “Truss” in RFEM/RSTAB and can be defined and saved in the analytical object properties
  • “Member Type Tension”, which corresponds to the member type “Tension Member” in RFEM/RSTAB and can also be defined and saved in the analytical object properties

However, the following Dlubal parameters will be available in future:

  • "Without Tension", which corresponds to the "Without membrane tension" surface type stiffness
  • “Surface Support", which creates a surface support with the specified spring constants in RFEM
  • "Dlubal Name (Material)", which allows to directly assign the Dlubal material name (without using the conversion table)
  • "Dlubal Name (Cross-Section)", which allows to directly assign the Dlubal cross-section name (without using the conversion table)


If you are familiar with BIM and exchange of data between different programs, you may know that each software has its own specifications regarding the description of cross-sections and materials. Therefore, a conversion table for exporting information to Autodesk Revit and vice versa is offered (Image 6).

Please note that compared to the data exchange between RFEM 5 and Revit, the conversion table is now offered in the Revit program itself for RFEM 6. The left side of the table (that is, the left column) controls the conversion for export from Revit to RFEM 6, while the right side (that is, the right column) controls the conversion for import from RFEM 6 to Revit.

Each of these columns is divided on the one hand into material conversion and on the other hand into section conversion. The material and section conversion is then subdivided depending on whether you use regular expressions or not. Regular expressions allow multiple objects to be converted into one entry. This means that you can use regular expressions, for example, instead of listing all separate sections of a certain section type. If you are interested in creating regular expressions, the following link might be useful for you: https://regex101.com/ .


Kirove 女士的职责是撰写技术文章并为 Dlubal 软件的客户提供技术支持。

