Free online basic training for students on the structural FEA software RFEM 6 | Introduction to Member Design
As a student, learn how to work more efficiently with RFEM. In the training, we discuss the essential modeling functions and workflows using practical examples. Live Q&A with the instructor is possible during the course.
Introducción a la interfaz de usuario de RFEM
Ejemplo introductorio: viga de vano simple
Ejemplos de análisis avanzados
Influencia del análisis de segundo orden
Bifurcación lineal y análisis de estabilidad
The online training requires a fast and reliable internet connection.
After completing the training, you will receive a certificate. Also, the models presented in the training, the video recording and documents will be available for download on our website. This allows you to go through and understand the training step by step.
Niklas Wanke, MSc.
Ingeniería de productos
El Sr. Wanke proporciona soporte técnico para los clientes de Dlubal Software.