
Acceso de prueba de 90 días a RFEM 6 Uso simultáneo con la licencia de RFEM 5

¿Puedo descargar una versión de prueba de 90 días de RFEM 6 para probarlo incluso si tengo RFEM 5 ahora?


La versión de prueba de 90 días de RFEM 6 está disponible para todos los usuarios, incluso si actualmente posee una licencia de RFEM 5 o ha agotado previamente una versión de prueba de RFEM 5. You will also not interfere with your current RFEM 5 licensing when you concurrently run RFEM 6.

You’ll find access to the trial version after filling out our online form. A separate email will be sent to you with your RFEM 6 login data for access to the program without limitations for 90 days.

Please note, only one trial version will be provided to each company. You will not have the ability for multiple users under the same account to download multiple trial versions. Once the trial version is requested from any user under the same company account, the ability to request a second trial version for any other user will not be possible. All users, however, can create their own login credentials and access the company-wide trial version over 90-days as long as someone else is not currently in the program.


Amy Heilig es la directora ejecutiva de la filial de Estados Unidos y responsable de las ventas y el desarrollo continuo del programa para el mercado norteamericano.
