
Costes de actualización de RFEM 6

¿Cuánto cuesta actualizar a RFEM 6 si tengo una licencia actual de RFEM 5?


Hay tarifas de actualización por separado tanto para RFEM 5 como para los módulos adicionales que posee actualmente. The RFEM 5 upgrade fee is a set price while the add-on module upgrades vary.

There will only be one upgrade fee for multiple standards within the same material family. For example, if you currently own a seat of RF-STEEL AISC and RF-STEEL CSA, there is only one upgrade fee for both add-on modules, which you will now have access to steel design in RFEM 6 according to the AISC, CSA, EC3, and all other international standards. These add-ons now include all national and international standards in one product which will be much more cost effective.

For an itemized quote specific to your current RFEM 5 products, please contact us as we are happy to put this together for you.


Amy Heilig es la directora ejecutiva de la filial de Estados Unidos y responsable de las ventas y el desarrollo continuo del programa para el mercado norteamericano.
