
Расчёт деревянных балок-колонн по NDS 2018 с помощью дополнительного модуля RF-/TIMBER AWC

В этой статье с помощью дополнительного модуля RF-/TIMBER AWC проверяется адекватность пиломатериала размером 2x4, подвергнутого комбинированному двухосному изгибу и осевому сжатию. Все характеристики и нагрузки рассчитываемой балки-колонны основаны на примере E1.8 из пособия AWC Structural Wood Design Examples 2015/2018.

Рассматриваемый стержень изготовлен из южной сосны № 2 номинальным размером 2х4, длиной 3 фута и используется в качестве элемента фермы. Lateral support is provided only at the member ends, and they are considered pinned. The dead (DL), snow (SL), and wind (WL) loads are applied at the top and midpoint of the beam-column, as shown below.

Характеристики стержня отображаются при выборе соответствующего сечения и материала в программе.

Поправочные коэффициенты для расчета допускаемых напряжений (ASD), указанные в таблице 4.3.1 NDS 2018

Исходные расчетные значения (Fb, Fc и Emin) умножаются на соответствующие поправочные коэффициенты для нахождения скорректированных расчетных величин. For sawn lumber, these factors are found in Table 4.3.1 [1]. Для расчета методом ASD существует одиннадцать различных поправочных коэффициентов. Many of these factors are equal to 1.0 in the NDS example [2]. Не смотря на это, мы кратко поясним далее способ учета отдельных коэффициентов в модуле RF-/TIMBER AWC.

Factors Calculated by Program

CL – Beam Stability Factor

It depends on the geometry and lateral support of the member as described in Section 3.3.3 [1]. Модуль RF-/TIMBER рассчитывает данный коэффициент автоматически.

Note: the effective length, le, used to calculate CL is defined by the user in the "Effective Length" section of RF-/TIMBER AWC. The "Acc. to Table 3.3.3" option with the appropriate loading case must be selected.

Загружение, примененное в данном примере, показано на рисунке ниже.

CF – Size Factor

It depends on the depth and thickness of the member as specified in Section 4.3.6 [1]. Модуль RF-/TIMBER рассчитывает данный коэффициент автоматически.

Cfu – Flat Use Factor

It accounts for weak axis bending of the member as specified in Section 4.3.7 [1]. Коэффициент рассчитывается в модуле RF-/TIMBER AWC автоматически.

CP – Column Stability Factor

It depends on the geometry, end fixity conditions, and lateral support of the member as described in Section 3.7.1 [1]. When a compression member is fully supported throughout its length, CP = 1.0. This factor is automatically calculated in RF-/TIMBER AWC for both strong and weak axis directions.

Factors Defined by User Input

CD – Load Duration Factor

It accounts for various loading periods based on the load case, such as dead, snow, and wind, based on Section 4.3.2 [1]. Selecting "ASCE 7-16 NDS (Wood)" as the standard in RFEM activates the load duration option in the Load Cases dialog box. The load duration class (Permanent, Ten Years, and so on) default setting is based on the "Action Category" of the load case. Данный параметр может быть изменен пользователем в программе RFEM или RF-/TIMBER AWC. The value selected by the program is based on Table 2.3.2 [1].

CM – Wet Service Factor

It accounts for the moisture service conditions of the member as specified in Section 4.1.4 [1]. В модуле RF-/TIMBER AWC пользователь может выбрать «влажные» или «сухие» условия в столбце «Условия эксплуатации».

Ct – Temperature Factor

It accounts for exposure to elevated temperatures of up to 100 degrees F, 100 to 125, and 125 to 150 as described in Section 2.3.3 [1]. The user can select between the three temperature ranges in the "In-Service Conditions" section of RF-/TIMBER AWC. The value selected by the program is based on Table 2.3.3 of [1].

Ci – Incising Factor

It accounts for the loss of the area from the small incisions made in the member to receive preservative treatment for decay prevention as described in Section 4.3.8 [1]. The user can select "Not Incised" or "Incised" in the "Additional Design Parameters" section of RF-/TIMBER AWC.

Cr – Repetitive Member Factor

It is used when multiple members act compositely to properly distribute a load amongst themselves as described in Section 4.3.9 [1]. Cr = 1.15 for members that meet the criteria of being closely spaced and connected by a sheathing or equivalent. The user can select "Not Repetitive" or "Repetitive" in the "Additional Design Parameters" section of RF-/TIMBER AWC.

Внимание! If necessary, code-based values of the user input adjustment factors can be changed in the "Standard" option.

Factors Excluded in Program

CT – Buckling Stiffness Factor

It accounts for the contribution of plywood sheathing to the buckling resistance of compression truss chords as specified in Section 4.4.2 [1]. Этот коэффициент используется для увеличения значения Emin стержня. CT can be manually calculated as per <nobr>Equation 4.4-1 [1]</nobr> or conservatively taken as 1.0.

Cb – Bearing Area Factor

It is used to increase the compression design values (Fcp) for concentrated loads applied perpendicular to the grain as specified in Section 3.10.4 [1]. Cb can be manually calculated per equation 3.10-2 [1] or conservatively taken as 1.0.

Actual Stress in Beam-Column

В этом примере сочетание нагрузок упрощено до CН1: DL + SL + WL.

  • Compression stress from dead and snow loads, fc = 171 psi
  • Изгибающее напряжение вокруг оси максимальных моментов от ветровой нагрузки fbx = fb1 = 353 фунт/кв.дюйм
  • Weak-axis bending stress from dead and snow loads, fby = fb2 = 1,029 psi

Determination of Adjusted Design Values as per NDS 2018 Table 4.3.1 ASD Method

  • Critical Buckling Design Value for Compression Member in Strong Axis, FcEx:
  • Critical Buckling Design Value for Compression Member in Weak Axis, FcEy:
  • Adjusted Compressive Design Value Parallel to Grain, Fc':
  • Critical Buckling Design Value for Bending Member, FbE:
  • Adjusted Strong Axis Bending Design Value, Fbx':
  • Adjusted Weak Axis Bending Design Value, Fby':
  • Combined Biaxial Bending and Axial Compression Design Ratio

Inserting the actual stresses and limiting design values presented above into NDS equation 3.9-3 [1], the final design ratio is shown below.

And NDS equation 3.9-4 [1],

Результат в RF-/TIMBER AWC

The user can compare each adjustment factor and adjusted design value from the analytical hand calculation method to the result summary in RF-/TIMBER AWC. Как показано, результаты идентичны. The controlling final design ratio = 0.98 is based on the geometrically linear analysis (1st degree) calculation method. Keep in mind that the default setting in RFEM for the load combination is set to the second-order analysis. This will result in a slightly larger design ratio = 1.03. The user has the option to choose which method listed in the "Calculation Parameters" is best for the structure.


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  1. Американский совет по изучению древесины. (2018). Национальная спецификация проектирования (NDS) для деревянных конструкций 2018 Edition . Лисбург: AWC, 2015
  2. Американский совет по изучению древесины. (2018). Примеры расчёта деревянных конструкций . Лисбург: AWC, 2015