The simplest model of a rack of 13 finite elements weighs 21 MB. How to reduce file size?
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How to reduce file size?
Why do you want to reduce the file size? 21 MB is really not much.
How much will a file with several thousand finite elements and many load cases weigh? Tens of gigabytes? I have a backup of data, and such a volume of data with constant recalculation of the model and its saving will immediately overwhelm it. Is there a setting so that data on the calculation results are not included in the source file?
In RFEM and RSTAB, input data and results are always in one file. This cannot be changed. The advantage of this solution is that handling is easier for the user. If a project is to be copied or forwarded, only a single file needs to be touched.
Yes, with large projects the file can easily be several gigabytes in size.
Frank Faulstich