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Incorrect Load Combination calculation

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  • Incorrect Load Combination calculation


    I am facing the problem of load combination not calculating correctly due to modification of load cases with multiplier factor.

    So, when I change the "static analysis settings" for Load Cases, the loads in Load Combinations are also modified and this is normal. But the calculation results of the Load Combinations do not change. The program does not see the changes in the load combinations and does not recalculate them, which leads to inconsistent results when the loads on the screen are one and the bending moment and support reactions are different. This can be seen on the 4th screenshot (04.png). It is possible to make the program make a correct calculation if you make changes in the model. For example, move a support. Here are some pictures to prove my point.
    Could you please comment on this?

    Dlubal RFEM v.6.02.0001 Student Trial version.
    Angehängte Dateien
    Zuletzt geändert von Yauhen; 19.01.2024, 11:07.

  • #2
    Hello, can you please attach the RFEM file. Please delete the FE mesh first. Then I can take a closer look at the problem.

    Frank Faulstich

    Support Team der
    Dlubal Software GmbH
    [email protected]


    • #3
      The errors are really small but have an impact. Attaching the RFEM file is really the correct solution to the problem. Thanks!
      geometry dash

