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RFEM 6. Imperfection case based in a buckling mode.

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  • RFEM 6. Imperfection case based in a buckling mode.

    When creating an imperfection case based in a buckling mode, why do we have to define the scaling direction? The bucking mode is already a deformation.

    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: uUeRPeQ.png
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ID: 3739

  • #2
    Hello, usually you will use this option:


    Then, the deformation figure will be scaled as it was in RFEM 5.

    Scaling in only one specific direction is an additional option in RFEM 6.

    Frank Faulstich
    Support Team der
    Dlubal Software GmbH
    [email protected]


    • #3
      Ok, thank you!


      • #4
        I don’t have this add-on in my RFEM 5 license.

        If I were to use this option with 7GDL, what would be the procedure?

        What I understand is the following:
        1. Activate the add-ons Stability and 7GDL.
        2. Stability analysis.
        3. Imperfection case > Type “Bucking mode” > Source “Select Load Combination”

        But there are a lot of load combinations and modes. I have seen a webinar but the explanation is only for a member and 1 load case.

        And also, I don’t know how to apply this in a real case. And there is this window that I don’t know how it works.

        Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: SS0fJZg.png
Ansichten: 101
Größe: 43,0 KB
ID: 3748



        • #5
          Hello, this webinar, starting at minute 50, shows how to apply 7DOF analysis to slightly larger models.

          This window shows in which LCs the IC 5 is used.


          I have defined an IC.

          Imperfection Case
          Imperfection Case

          I select the IC 1 in the CO 1.

          Load Combination

          The CO 1 appears in the list.

          Imperfection Case

          Frank Faulstich
          Support Team der
          Dlubal Software GmbH
          [email protected]


          • #6
            Thanks Frank,

            I don’t know why I have the assignment different to yours. I’ll contact the Spanish support.

            I’ve watched the webinar, thanks, it would be nice to have the a webinar with the next steps: assignment of imperfections and analysis. This is so new for me.



            • #7
              Hallo Helena, I will forward your wish to Andreas Hörold. He organizes the webinars.

              Frank Faulstich
              Support Team der
              Dlubal Software GmbH
              [email protected]

