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Compensation cutting patterns

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  • Compensation cutting patterns

    Hello together in the forum,

    I have a question about cutting patterns-compensation.
    I have a dome with 32 identical patterns, I want to compensate like in the picture, and the lowest edge not.
    How to et it to have the clamp edge original length, zero compensation, and to let start the compensation al a defined distance from the edge.
    If I use the function different compenstaion by line, how to set the weft then?
    I would be grateful for any hint.

    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Screenshot 2022-06-29 105010.jpg
Ansichten: 108
Größe: 79,0 KB
ID: 3706

  • #2
    Hello, you can set this in the "Different Compensations by Line" tab. You can either set the compensation to zero for all boundary lines. Boundary lines are the lines where no other membrane is attached. Alternatively, you can manually specify lines where compensation should be zero in this tab.

    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: 5829.png
Ansichten: 69
Größe: 40,3 KB
ID: 3712
    Frank Faulstich
    Support Team der
    Dlubal Software GmbH
    [email protected]

