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Buckling in l member

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  • Buckling in l member

    What’s the correct way to study bucking in an L member? I’m studying it with the following methods, and results are very different:

    Case 1: Stability analysis according to 6.3.1. I define in RF-Steel effective lengths from RF-Stability. Ratio: 1.05
    Case 2: Stability analysis according to 6.3.4. Ratio: 1.03
    Case 3: 7 GDL. Ratio: 1.97
    Case 4: I use RF-IMP to generate pre-deformed model and I study resistance in RF-Steel. Ratio: 1.92
    Zuletzt geändert von Helena Goni; 07.01.2022, 18:31.

  • #2

    the differences between case 1 and case 2 are small and, in my opinion, are due to the different methods.

    It is very interesting that case 3 shows a much larger ratio. I would guess that the problem is not purely a buckling problem, but that lateral torsional buckling also plays a role.

    Case 4 should actually come out with something similar to cases 1 or 2. You might want to check the FE mesh.

    Perform the test with a slightly smaller load so that the ratio in case 1 is less than 1.0. The load in the range above 1 is not necessarily the same for different methods.

    Check whether the same cross-section classes were used for the verification in cases 1 and 4.

    Frank Faulstich
    Support Team der
    Dlubal Software GmbH
    [email protected]


    • #3
      Thanks Frank!

      I’ve performed the test with a slightly smaller load, and this is the result:
      Case 1: Stability analysis according to 6.3.1. I define in RF-Steel effective lengths from RF-Stability. Ratio: 0.96
      Case 2: Stability analysis according to 6.3.4. Ratio: 0.95
      Case 3: 7 GDL. Ratio: 1.24
      Case 4: I use RF-IMP to generate pre-deformed model and I study resistance in RF-Steel. Ratio: 1.18

      I’m really surprised because ratio in cases 3 and 4 has decreased a lot! The first test was considering a factor 0.60, and now I’ve changed it to 0.55:
      Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: VTqtGf3.png
Ansichten: 120
Größe: 3,6 KB
ID: 3566

      This is the model and the mesh:
      Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: nilSQJR.png
Ansichten: 95
Größe: 27,1 KB
ID: 3567

      I’m testing the left member.


      • #4
        Hello Helena, the FE mesh looks good. It should be fine enough.

        Do you see any torsion in the deformation in case 3?

        The difference in ratio from case 4 to case 1 seems a bit large to me. If you attach the model here, I'll take a closer look.

        Frank Faulstich
        Support Team der
        Dlubal Software GmbH
        [email protected]


        • #5
          Hi Frank, it seems to me there is torsion in case 3, but I think there is also torsion in Stability. I'm not sure.

          I attach the model. Thank you!
          Angehängte Dateien


          • #6
            Hi Helena, this is a really interesting example. It is more complicated than it looks at first view.

            In my opinion, the results of cases 3 and 6 are correct.

            Let's have a look at the deformation from LC 2:

            Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: 5728.png
Ansichten: 104
Größe: 26,5 KB
ID: 3573

            So the whole system is twisting. This results in these bending moments:

            Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: 5729.png
Ansichten: 99
Größe: 28,0 KB
ID: 3574

            In the calculation with 7DOF, these are also present:

            Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: 5727.png
Ansichten: 93
Größe: 98,6 KB
ID: 3575

            I think, with the procedures according to 6.3.1 and 6.3.4 this effect cannot be considered correctly.

            Frank Faulstich
            Support Team der
            Dlubal Software GmbH
            [email protected]


            • #7
              Ok, thank you so much!

              You’re right, what I’ve written here as case 4 is in the RFEM file case 6 (I forgot to change the number). Just in case someone want to check the results.

