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surface colors

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  • surface colors

    Hello, I have to represent results of an envelope case on a surface.
    For example, I want to show the moment my.

    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: img.png
Ansichten: 135
Größe: 37,4 KB
ID: 3554
    The surface contours show only the "maximum" moment on the envelope cases (image above).
    But I'm be interested in representing also the "minimum" moment on the envelope cases (in the section-cut it is clear that the moment near borders reaches a large negative value: I would like to represent this).
    And it would be also useful to represent also the "maximum of the absolute" moment (i.e. with the maximum positive near center of the surface and the minimum negative near the edges).
    Any suggestion on how to do this?

  • #2
    Hello Doug,

    for result combinations you have this section in the result navigator:

    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: 5716.png
Ansichten: 86
Größe: 257,3 KB
ID: 3556

    This also allows you to display only the minimum internal forces.

    Minmal Inner Forces

    Frank Faulstich
    Support Team der
    Dlubal Software GmbH
    [email protected]

