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Rhinoceros does not load the Dlubal RFEM plugin

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  • Rhinoceros does not load the Dlubal RFEM plugin

    I just installed Rhinoceros 6.23 and, then, RFEM 5.22.

    The rhino/grasshopper plugin seems correctly placed in dir:

        Directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0\Plug-ins\Dlubal RFEM 5 Plugin (579636a8-bee5-48b8-a717-2a72d6bfe63a)\1.0.7341.24113
    Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                -------------         ------ ----
    -a----       28/02/2020     18:30          94720 DlubalRFEM5Plugin.rhp
    -a----       28/02/2020     18:30          22746 DlubalRFEM5Plugin.rui
    -a----       28/02/2020     18:30         108032 GrasshopperDlubalRFEM5Plugin.gha

    When I start Rhino I get the following error: "Unable to load DlubalRFEM5Plugin.rhp plug-in: initialization failed".

    At the rhino prompt I get the following info (I enabled the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] for extended debug log):

    Loading Rhino Render, version 1.50, Feb 24 2020, 13:32:46
    System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Non è stato possibile caricare il file o l'assembly 'Dlubal.RFEM5, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f22b2f92593d105e' o una delle relative dipendenze. Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
    Nome file: 'Dlubal.RFEM5, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f22b2f92593d105e'
       in System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.GetExportedTypes(RuntimeAssembly assembly, ObjectHandleOnStack retTypes)
       in System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.GetExportedTypes()
       in Rhino.PlugIns.PlugIn.CreateFromAssembly(Assembly pluginAssembly, Boolean displayDebugInfo, Boolean useRhinoDotNet)
    === Informazioni sullo stato di preassociazione ===
    REG: DisplayName = Dlubal.RFEM5, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f22b2f92593d105e
    REG: Appbase = file:///C:/Program Files/Rhino 6/System/
    REG: PrivatePath iniziale = NULL
    Assembly chiamante: RhinoComPlugin, Version=1.0.7341.24113, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null.
    REG: l'associazione ha origine nel contesto di caricamento di LoadFrom.
    AVV: l'immagine nativa non verrà provata nel contesto LoadFrom. L'immagine verrà provata solo nel contesto di caricamento predefinito, ad esempio con Assembly.Load().
    REG: utilizzo del file di configurazione dell'applicazione: C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\System\Rhino.exe.Config
    REG: utilizzo del file di configurazione host:
    REG: utilizzo del file di configurazione computer da C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\config\machine.config.
    REG: riferimento post-criteri: Dlubal.RFEM5, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f22b2f92593d105e
    REG: tentativo di download del nuovo URL file:///C:/Program Files/Rhino 6/System/Dlubal.RFEM5.DLL.
    REG: tentativo di download del nuovo URL file:///C:/Program Files/Rhino 6/System/Dlubal.RFEM5/Dlubal.RFEM5.DLL.
    REG: tentativo di download del nuovo URL file:///C:/Program Files/Rhino 6/System/Dlubal.RFEM5.EXE.
    REG: tentativo di download del nuovo URL file:///C:/Program Files/Rhino 6/System/Dlubal.RFEM5/Dlubal.RFEM5.EXE.
    REG: tentativo di download del nuovo URL file:///C:/Program Files/Common Files/McNeel/Rhinoceros/6.0/Plug-ins/Dlubal RFEM 5 Plugin (579636a8-bee5-48b8-a717-2a72d6bfe63a)/1.0.7341.24113/Dlubal.RFEM5.DLL.
    REG: tentativo di download del nuovo URL file:///C:/Program Files/Common Files/McNeel/Rhinoceros/6.0/Plug-ins/Dlubal RFEM 5 Plugin (579636a8-bee5-48b8-a717-2a72d6bfe63a)/1.0.7341.24113/Dlubal.RFEM5/Dlubal.RFEM5.DLL.
    REG: tentativo di download del nuovo URL file:///C:/Program Files/Common Files/McNeel/Rhinoceros/6.0/Plug-ins/Dlubal RFEM 5 Plugin (579636a8-bee5-48b8-a717-2a72d6bfe63a)/1.0.7341.24113/Dlubal.RFEM5.EXE.
    REG: tentativo di download del nuovo URL file:///C:/Program Files/Common Files/McNeel/Rhinoceros/6.0/Plug-ins/Dlubal RFEM 5 Plugin (579636a8-bee5-48b8-a717-2a72d6bfe63a)/1.0.7341.24113/Dlubal.RFEM5/Dlubal.RFEM5.EXE.
    Unable to load DlubalRFEM5Plugin.rhp plug-in: initialization failed.

    Am I missing some dependency (for instance a specific .NET framework runtime version)?
    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    Hello Theo. In the meantime we have analysed the problem in more detail. Next week, we will release a new version of RFEM in which the problem is solved. Thanks for the hint.

    Frank Faulstich
    Support Team der
    Dlubal Software GmbH
    [email protected]


    • #3
      Thank you Frank, the RFEM 5.22.02 release addresses the plugin issue.

      I'm trying to export (from Rhino -> Dlubal Export) a rather complicated geometry of a portion of ship hull (with double curvature).
      I get a number of errors (maybe related to the curvature of hull surfaces?).

      Error, surface object order number: 84, cannot obtain edges vs. control point field orientation.
      - only edges will be exported.
      Error to write surface no: 21, type: quadrangle, message: Boundary lines are not closed.

      Could you point me to some reference of which kind of rhino surfaces are supported for dlubal export? Is there available some documentation which explains the features and limitations of the plugin module, and suggestions for rhino simplification before exporting to dlubal?

      Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: 113454.png
Ansichten: 401
Größe: 634,8 KB
ID: 2966
      Many thanks,


      • #4
        Hello Theo,
        there is no document that describes the limits of the interface. Since we continue developing it, we would have to update this document with every new update.

        Could you maybe send us the Rhino file? We will try to analyze the issue.
        You can also send it to our e-mail: [email protected]

        Best Regards
        Lukas Sühnel
        Support Team der
        Dlubal Software GmbH
        [email protected]


        • #5
          Thanks Lukas for the clarifications.
          I sent by email (on 11 march to [email protected]) the rhino geometry file.

          I didn't receive any confirmation or feedback. Could you kindly confirm you received my email?

          Another question I have regarding this rhino<->dlubal converter: layers defined in rhino completely get lost in trasfer to dlubal? Is it correct or am I missing something? Layers are fundamental on complex geometries.

          Best Regards,

