
Fire Resistance Design of Column Under Axial Force

In this technical article, a hinged column with a centrally acting axial force will be designed by means of the RF-/STEEL EC3 add-on module according to EN 1993-1-2. We will use the National Annex of Germany here.

Structural System and Loading

Flexural Buckling Design Around Minor Axis

The effective length of the hinged column is Lcr = 3.50 m.

According to EN 1993-1-1,

Selection of the buckling curve according to Table 6.2:

Instability perpendicular to the z-axis: Buckling stress curve BSCz: b

Table 6.1 shows the imperfection factor α = 0.34.

For I-, H-, and rectangular hollow cross-sections that are only subjected to compression, the coefficient kzy = 0 may be assumed.

This results in the design as follows:

→ Design is fulfilled.

Fire Resistance Design

The final temperature is defined as 500 degrees.

Determine reduction factors:
ky,Θ = 0.78 Table 3.1
kE,Θ = 0.60 Table 3.1

Design under fire exposure according to Clause

Imperfection factor:

Dimensionless relative slenderness:

Auxiliary factor:

Reduction factor for flexural buckling under fire exposure:

Buckling resistance of structural component subjected to compression:

Loading in case of fire:


→ Design is fulfilled.


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  1. Dlubal Software. (2020). Manual RF-/STEEL EC3. Tiefenbach: Dlubal Software.
  2. Albert, A. (2018). Schneider – Bautabellen für Ingenieure mit Berechnungshinweisen und Beispielen (23rd ed.). Cologne: Bundesanzeiger.
  3. European Committee for Standardization (2005). Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures – Part 1-2: General Rules – Structural Fire Design, EN 1993-1-2. Berlin: Beuth.
